Kirkman et al v. AMC Network Entertainment LLC, No. 356331, L.A. Super., Aug. 14, 2017, BC672124
Kirkman et al v. AMC Network Entertainment LLC, No. 356331, L.A. Super., Aug. 14, 2017, BC672124
Creators and producers of the show "The Walking Dead" claim AMC exploited its vertically integrated corporate structure to reduce amounts owed to profit participants. Plaintiffs claim the AMC neglected to mention that it would be producing the show in house. The imputed licensing fee was not clearly defined at the time of the contract's signing, a fact for which plaintiff's lawyer, Nessim, fastidiously grilled the opposing side's negotiator. The trial, which was set to continue in early March 2020, has been postponed (due to COVID-19 shut downs).
by Arya Mansour, Associate Attorney & Wil Rios, Law Clerk (Spring 2020)